Thou hast never tasted
what thou hast assured
this shall be mine
as thou too.
Sacred, my love
thy art belonged to mine eyes
seeking down the rain
thy art search endlessly
for myriad yards
of roadless vines
Look no more
as thou belong to mine grasp
and never shall I return thou
to thy grounds.
Monday, June 28
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Mi carencia es perder la paciencia.
Intento no encontrarte pero en alguna distancia tu cuerpo recae en mis manos.
No se/ni sabré diferenciar la lejanÃa con tus brazos apretando mi cuerpo.
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Thursday, June 17
I've been here too long to say I'm in love with myself.
This is enough.
There's nothing else I can do.
I see you everywhere (and whenever I say you, it is just to refer to anyone with anyface, anybuild, anyheart, anyarms, anyeyes)
It is clear that when I look at you, you do not look at me.
I'm all alone here
(just because I want to)
I'm eager, once again, to look for this feeling.
Hidden again. Hidden must remain.
I'm all alone here.
Just because I've been too long here to be in love with myself
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